Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Jay Walking with the Jelly Bellied

‘While waiting on line at the Starbucks at the J Street convention, I overheard a conversation among several Colorado J Street members. These were nicely dressed thirty-something women who were discussing why they weren't wearing the J Street buttons in their packets, which bear the phrase "pro-Israel pro-peace." The entire Boulder delegation, they said, was very uncomfortable with the emphasis, because "pro-Israel" was first, and "pro-Palestinian" wasn't a part of it. These women agreed that J Street had a messaging problem. If the buttons read "pro-Israel and Pro-Palestinian, or just "pro-peace" and NOT "pro-Israel," then they'd be willing to wear them.’

No, it’s not me who wrote that but Lori Lowenthal Marcus is president of Z STREET, http://www.zstreet.org/

Read more of her article, which is a real eye-opener into the equivocally “Zionist” nature of J Street, here http://www.americanthinker.com/2011/03/j_street_maybe_israel_really_a.html
Hat tip for the cartoon to http://israelmatzav.blogspot.com/2011/03/hillel-loves-j-street.html

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if someone just showed up wearing an SS medal from the 3rd Reich, if anyone @ J-Street would either notice or care.


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