Thursday, 31 March 2011

Glenn Beck on the Contrast Between Israel and its Enemies

Glenn Beck is a rather - how shall I put this? - loud-voiced member of the team at America's Fox ("Fair and Balanced") TV.  He's not everyone's cup of tea, but here he is, saying some obvious truths about Israel and the double standards that apply to that much-traduced liberal democracy (hat tip: reader Rita):


  1. This from the man who compared Reform rabbis to Muslim extremists. If Israel's supporters have to rely on the likes of Glen Beck, then we are getting very desperate

  2. Well, yes - I know some people, pro-Israel and on the political right themselves, despise him!

  3. I still prefer Fox to our scummy BBC. Could you ever imagine them putting out something like that.

  4. They're certainly "fair and balanced" in the way I approve of, Steve! ;~)

  5. Didn't you know, Steve, that Fux News (that's how they pronounce it) is really a left-wing parody of what a right-wing "news" station would be?

  6. I agree that Beck is no friend to Jews, despite his ability to articulate. I suggest it's a mistake to rely on him, as he stands for things that the majority of American Jews find repugnant.

  7. Thanks Joseph, do you think that the Yanks are that sofistikated.

    I had better stick with Larry David in Curb your enthusiasm,, pretty pretty good.

  8. I don't think I'll bother with Glenn again ...


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