Thursday, 17 March 2011

Biased, Brazen, and Contemptible

Here's the BBC's online report of the massacre of the Fogel Family:

Here's a related snide report, by Jon Donnison, a Jeremy-Bowen-in-the-making, from what I've seen of him:

Here's the BBC's arrogant, dismissive response to complaints regarding the coverage or rather lack of it  of the massacre of a  family  correction a "settler" family:

Been there before, of course, and now that Lord Patten, who has a proven track record of pro-Palestinian bias, has been shoe-horned into the position of Chairman of the BBC Trust (see, we will doubtless be there again.  To no avail.

Biased, Brazen, and Contemptible.

Those are among the more polite and printable words for the national broadcaster, whose disregard for its Charter and Producers' Guidelines, disdain for licence-payers, pimping of its own pet leftist agendas, and demonisation of Israel,  is now completely out of control.

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