Wednesday, 30 March 2011

"Are We Too Critical of Israel?": Douglas Murray in Debate (video)

Here's the great Douglas Murray, Director of the Institute for Social Cohesion, speaking up for Israel in a debate at Royal Holloway [College], London University:

Hat tip: reader Shirlee
(I've chosen the long version of the video; shorter versions are available)
Meanwhile, Ron Prosor, Israel's Ambassador in London, says that the amount of Israel-hatred at British universities is at an all-time high:


  1. His effort is heroic but I disagree with him that it is necessary to create a 'legitimate' palestinian state. There is no legitimate 'palestinian' people in the first place. And they already have a state anyway...Jordan. Giving them a state would not bring an end to aggression against Israel.Secondly, he wants a halt to the 'settlements'. Why? They have every right to exist..Judea and Samaria are legitimate Jewish territory. He also accepted the phrase 'occupied territory' without challenging it with the facts about Israel's history...this allows the propagandists to perpetuate the big lie. And so on. He could take a harder , more uncompromising and truthful line. After all he did say he wanted to adhere to the facts. Finally, the most important matter...and the only one that counts, is the Islamic jihad against the Jews, which is what this is all about...not 'palestinians', not land, not settlements. He did not mention this and so failed to highlight the essence of the conflict.

  2. I fear you are right about Jihad, Roger ...
    Thanks for your comment, interesting as usual.
    Apologies for the delay in posting it - have been away from a computer most of the day.


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