Monday, 7 March 2011

Another Bandsman on the BDS Bandwagon

So now Roger Waters, front man of the band Pink Floyd, has joined the BDS movement. Reports today’s Jerusalem Post:
‘After years of what Waters says was inaction by the Israeli government to "grant civil rights to Israeli Arabs equal to those enjoyed by Israeli Jews" and the extension of the separation barrier "illegally annexing more and more of the West Bank," the musician decided to support "Palestinians in their civil, nonviolent resistance."’
Waters pleads "to my colleagues in the music industry, and also to artists in other disciplines, to join this cultural boycott." Read more here:

He has form, it seems, having been accused of antisemitism:

As reader Roger (obviously not Waters!) comments on the previous post:
“It is painful to behold the absurd comments he makes in this report, revealing his abject historical ignorance. Unfortunately, his politics will influence many young people.”
And of course Waters’s stance also points to Israel’s woeful failure adequately to make its case, and also the baneful influence of the one-sidedness of the BBC and much of the media in helping the Arabs win the war for public opinion.

A recent article by Rabbi Michael (Micky) Boyden refutes the “apartheid” canard that has influenced people like Waters to swallow Arab propaganda hook, line, and sinker. Observes Boyden:

‘[u]nder Israeli jurisdiction, for the first time in two thousand years, the holy sites of Jerusalem and, indeed, of all of Israel are open without restriction to those of all religions and of none.
The same could not always be said of the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron. Muslims were not permitted to enter it following its capture by the Crusaders in the year 1100, and, when the Turks and later the Jordanians gained control, Jews were not allowed past the seventh step leading up to the tombs.
The 7th annual Israel Apartheid Week is scheduled to take place around the world at the beginning of March this year. Its organisers describe its purpose as “to educate people about the nature of Israel as an apartheid system and to build Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaigns as part of a growing global BDS movement.”
Those who are familiar with Israel will know that the very notion of the country being an apartheid state is absolute nonsense. There are Arab judges, Arab members of Knesset and Arab consuls. Bedouins serve alongside Jews in the army [have a look at the accompaying video]. Go into our hospitals, where Jewish and Arab medical staff work side by side treating all of Israel’s population without distinction. Arab and Jewish presenters work alongside one another on TV shows. Enter our universities, where lecturers and students come from all strands of society. Visit our banks, our supermarkets and our shopping malls, where Jews and Arabs work and shop side by side.''

However, it was the American psychologist and philosopher, William James, who said: “There’s nothing so absurd that if you repeat it often enough, people will believe it.” We need to be telling the world and those misguided people taking part in Israel Apartheid Week and supporting BDS campaigns that they are being sold a Palestinian propaganda lie, whose intention it is to delegitimize the only fully democratic state in the Middle East. [My emphasis]
Whereas Jews and Arabs live side by side in Israel, Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority, has already made it abundantly clear that Jews will not be allowed to reside in a Palestinian State once it is established. Only last summer, he was quoted by the official Palestinian news agency Wafa as having said: “I would not agree to having Jews among the NATO forces, or that even a single Israeli will live among us on Palestinian land.”
Of course, it is true that Arab travellers – and not only Arabs – are subject to particular scrutiny at Israel’s airports. Of course it is true, especially since the Intifada, that most Palestinians are not allowed to enter Israel. Of course, it is true that certain roads on the West Bank are closed to Palestinians. But that is not because of a policy of apartheid, but rather reflects a genuine and justified concern for safety in a country that was already the victim of terrorist attacks long before the assault on the World Trade Center or the murder of innocent commuters on the London underground.
As you drive up the highway towards the holy city of Mecca, the road divides into two. The overhead traffic signs indicate that straight ahead leads to “Mecca (Muslims only)”. The two lanes that lead off to the right are signposted “Riyadh” and are designated as “Obligatory for non Muslims”. So it is in a country where Jews are banned from entry and Christians are forbidden to build churches. But nobody says a word.


  1. Actually, I think this might be a blessing in disguise. A few years ago Waters came to give a concert in Israel. I didn't go, but friends who did were livid that they ended up having paid an awful lot of money to hear him droning on about the 'apartheid wall' rather than playing the music they had come to hear.

  2. Thanks for the comment, Israeli Nurse. I certainly hope it proves counterproductive. Judging from his song titles, he seems a tad obsessed by walls!


  4. Pity I dont like this kind of music anyway, otherwise I would have now "boycotted" it!

    Speaking of "boycot": I have obviously been so indoctrinated by the Political fashion of anti-semitism that has infested Australia that a couple of days ago, here in France where I am at present, I was completely (positively) surprised to find mandarins in a chain-store, proudly proclaiming their provencance as being "from ISRAEL". I bought 3 kilos, and they were DELICIOUS ! My friends tell me there is no "official" boycot against Israel here in France, so is this an Anglo thing? (Mind you Anti-semitism is still big here in France too, but at least there are enough public Jewish intelectuals who seem to be proudly Jewish, rather than "ASHamed Jews" which Howard Jacobson parodies so brilliantly in his "The Finkler Question" (a book I highly recommend).

  5. Thanks, Rita. The BDS brigade does seem to be particularly strong in the English-speaking countries.

    John Galliano is said to be of Sephardi background, btw:


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