Monday 21 February 2011

Anti-Israel Broadcasts in Britain Spread Their Malign Influence – and How!

That fine British blogger Edgar Davidson, who always has something important, profound, and often original, to say, begins his post entitled Anti-Israel indoctrination in the UK” thus:

‘If you need to know the depth to which the British media has indoctrinated the public with anti-Israel feelings, then I can give no better example than the following:

My daughter, who goes to an orthodox Jewish school, tells me that, when the subject of Israel is discussed in their Jewish studies GCSE class, students routinely state things like "the Jews have no right to Israel because they stole the land from the Palestinians".

In making statements like that, those regular 15-16 year old Jewish kids, are simply repeating what they are told relentlessly in every part of the media (as I have regularly reported on this web). In the midst of the big story of revolution across the entire Arab world (funny how the media is suddenly realising that these Arab countries were abusing their citizens for decades - they have been telling us all along that is is Israel that is the pariah state in the region) the BBC and Channel 4 has gone into overdrive ... to demonize Israel. Just a few examples of the anti-Israel tsunami engulfing British TV ...’

See the rest of Edgar Davidson’s post here:


  1. Last year I was doing research on anti-Semitism in education. Went onto the Cambridge University GCSE site. they had reams of stuff, subjects for study by 14-16 year olds regarding Gaza, all completely politicised. Strangely when I went back to the site a few days later, it had been removed.
    I wonder if these schools are too frightened to complain; do they not check the syllabuses before embarking on them?

  2. Hi, Juniper - sorry, I meant to thank you for your comment but got sidetracked.

    The peerless and fearless Melanie Phillips has recognised the importance of Edgar's post:

  3. My wife and I have been watching 'The Promise' with a degree of terpidation as we consider ourselves to be dyed-in-the-wool Christian Zionists. We have seen, in the series, an Islamist suicide bomber (modern day); British soldiers who liberated a concentration camp being ordered to copy the Nazis; Irgun attacking British soldiers (This one still hurts. I remember my father telling me about them.); peaceniks on all sides; an unfair repesentation of the 'Wall'; a high degree or prdjudice and tension on both modern day sides and ditto for all sides post-war etc.etc. The series is not finished and I am not at all sure where it will end.

    The UK betrayal of Israel is clearly portrayed.

    So far, I cannot dismiss 'The Promise' as propaganda. It may prove to be so, but the (fair-minded) jury is still out as all the evidence is not yet in.

    Wait for next Sunday. It is also very well written drama.

  4. I haven't caught up with it, Ian.
    I did read an interview with the playwright, in which he was quoted as saying that as a third generation British Jew he feels no special sentimental bond with Israel, or words to that effect.
    The hanging of the two sergeants was a despicable act well-remembered today - they were only 18; one, the lad Martin, was Jewish, btw.


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