Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Press TV Breached Impartiality Rules. Uh huh. So – What Else is New?

Former Respect Party MP and veteran Israel-basher George Galloway has a flair for a phrase. Years ago, he provoked a great deal of amusement and derision back in Blighty when, on a visit to Baghdad, he reportedly said to that old rogue Saddam Hussein “Sir, I salute your courage, your strength, your indefatigability."

More recently, on Ahmadinejad’s satellite propaganda channel Press TV Mr Galloway (pictured, pretty in pink on a reality “fly-on-the-wall” British television show in which, catlike, he lapped milk from a pretend saucer formed by the cupped hands of comely actress Rula Lenska) described Israel as “a terrorist gangster state” and a “miscreant, law-breaking rogue, war-launching, occupying state”. Of last May's flotilla incident he observed: “Israel went into international waters to give a message to Iran and Turkey they can do whatever they want because of US support”.

Now, following complaints, the broadcasting standards watchdog and media regulator Ofcom has ruled that Galloway, presenter of the weekly phone-in hour-long “Comment” show, repeatedly breached impartiality with remarks of that kind, that "could be interpreted as being pro-Palestinian and highly critical of the actions of the Israeli government and its military forces". Ofcom found that Galloway’s show did not adequately provide the Israeli viewpoint on the flotilla incident, since when opposing views were included the material was used only "to give the opportunity for the programme to further criticise the Israeli government".

Furthermore, "The broadcaster failed to engage or debate with any point of view that was contrary to the view presented by George Galloway. Rather, Ofcom is of the view that George Galloway, in particular, used the alternative opinions made by the viewers, which were contrary to his own, only as vehicles to punctuate what could be classed as a form of ongoing political polemic, delivered by the presenter directly to camera and unchallenged." It added: "Alternative viewpoints were not adequately represented in the individual programmes or across the series as a whole."

Ofcom also found that another veteran Israel basher, Labour MP Jeremy Corbyn, failed to exhibit due impartiality when he appeared on Galloway’s show. Corbyn, who earlier this month met two Hamas officials in Jerusalem, declared: “Israel has been referred to the Security Council on so many occasions so it is time surely for serious economic sanctions.”

Under Section 5 of the Ofcom code, broadcasters must ensure that on such programmes “neither side of the debate is unduly favoured”. Ofcom said it would arrange a meeting for Press TV to discuss its impartiality procedure.

 In the meantime, it’s likely to have its work cut out for it, given all the western Israel-bashers who are on the Iran-backed channel’s payroll. Besides, in June last year, Ofcom ruled that Galloway breached rules on impartiality after he accused the Israeli government of using "a Nazi tactic", conducting a "brutal apartheid-style occupation" and committing "war crimes" in various editions of his discussion programmes.

 Let's face it, without poisoning public opinion against Israel and in other ways undermining the West, what’s Ahmadinejad’s station for?


  1. At least we don't have to pay them £145.50 p.a to hear their c**p.

  2. That's certainly one way of looking at it, Steve!


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