Tuesday, 30 November 2010

"Dignity" and the Dhimmi

Amid all the hype about the engagement of Prince William and press preoccupation with the Wikileaks scandal, a sinister piece of European Union legislation has passed virtually unnoticed. Making “certain forms and expressions of racism and xenophobia”a criminal offence, it has implications that should worry everybody who values freedom of speech, what remains of the sovereignty of nations shackled together in an increasingly bizarre and bureaucratic tyranny that Stalin would envy, and who fears the creeping islamification of the European continent.

Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, an Austrian who has been prosecuted for voicing anxieties about the rise of Islam – the indictment charges her with “hate speech” for asserting that “Sharia is a definite no-no. We want no gender apartheid, no ghettoes, no social and cultural discrimination, no polygamy, no theocracy, no hate…” – has warned eloquently about the implications of this dastardly piece of folly: http://vimeo.com/17262291

Now, I'm no lawyer, but as I understand the matter, the new legislation permits the state to be the sole arbiter of what is acceptable speech, and allows any state within the EU to prosecute those who are deemed to have run afoul of this new law. Since it institutes the principle of cross-border transfer, any EU member state may prosecute the citizen of any other for "hate speech", and the police of the accused's country would be obliged to deliver the individual to the complainant state to stand trial.

A vigilant EU-watcher remarked to me:
“It is one of the most scary documents of control imaginable. It is pretty much the complete adoption of the deepest desires of the OIC [Organisation of the Islamic Conference] into European Law. If Turkey were to ever enter the EU, this would place all of the EU's citizens under Sharia.
It is also possible, as increasing Islamisation takes place in various countries, that people will be tried and convicted in a territory with the harshest laws preventing criticism of Islam.
And ... imagine if one country in the EU issues an arrest warrant for an Israeli. Every member state would be obliged to arrest and transfer that individual.
I'm not sure that travel to any state in the EU is possible or wise for anyone who criticizes Islam regularly or has fought for Israel."
Turkey’s admission to the EU – the Islamic hordes in its hinterland notwithstanding – is certainly high on the agenda of British prime minister David Cameron. He's expressed his determination to achieve it.  And it seems that Sheik Fadlallah-loving Frances Guy (here she is, seated dhimmi-like, before the late sheik, a mastermind of terror) has taken a shine to Turkey’s Prime Minister.

In her latest blog (on the Foreign and Commonwealth Office’s official website) that contains her musings on the topic of “Dignity” - Britain's ambassador to Lebanon paid tribute to Erdogan’s “dignity” – just as she has to that of “The Palestinian veterans at our Remembrance service [who]carried themselves with great dignity despite all their difficulties and earned everyone's respect.” Her blog of 22 September, incidentally, expanded on the latter theme:
"There are nearly 60 Palestinian veterans in Lebanon who served with the British army during the 2nd World War. The tragic irony of their situation is heart-wringing. After loyally serving the Union Jack, in 1948 they were forced to flee their homes when the state of Israel was created.... Their quiet dignity in the midst of hardship and poverty is to be admired and respected.”
Maybe  these elderly gentlemen are more worthy of Ms Guy’s adulation than was the elderly sheikh about whom she blogged so effusively back in July (see my blog archive for two posts on that topic). But I wish she’d get it through her frequently hijabbed head that there’s no dignity in dhimmitude.
(To those to whom it is relevant, and despite the gloomy tone of the above post, I wish a Happy Chanukah!)


  1. Shkoyach............

    Chag Chanukah sameach

  2. Very interesting - thanks, Juniper.

    And thanks to Shirlee for the Elisabeth S-W links.

  3. Daphne,

    From that link you posted:


    [Racism and xenophobia are direct violations of the principles
    of liberty, democracy, respect for human rights and
    fundamental freedoms and the rule of law, principles
    upon which the European Union is founded and which
    are common to the Member States.]

    This is a double edge sword. Xenophobia is an aversion to foreigners. Muslims are xenophobic to the extreme, and principally when they come to our land.
    They may be the foreigners in our land, but their RACISM and XENOPHOBIA towards our people should be seen for what it is. They have no respect for human rights or the rule of law, therefore they cannot recur to the law to protect their xenophobic behaviour.

    Why do I say this is a double edge sword? Because if Muslims use this "law" to help silence our criticism, then we should all become Satanists and demand our religious rights to be upheld in the same manner.

    Don't you think Muslims would have hatred against Satanists? Of course they would. Therefore we can prosecute them under the same law, and so on.
    Furthermore, this does not end here.
    If Muslims can demand to have their religious rights met, then can every other single religious group, including Satanists, druids, pagans, wiccans, witches, etc..

    I predict a bloodbath. literally.
    And I can even say that blood is needed for my "Satanic rituals" after all, and that my religious rituals must be respected whether they like it or not.

    A new can of worms shall be opened.


    EDL Jewish Division

  4. Well, it's an intriguing idea, Roberta ...

  5. good thinking my dear Roberta didn't know u worshipped the dark lord...xD

  6. MY Chanukah greeting, just to show a wider relevance than many might realise.


    Copy and paste. It should work. Here's a thing. I bought an Chanukiah for illustrative purposes. I am an RE teacher (retd.) When we light the candles, the sense of peace is palpable. They have blessed three sermons and our home.

  7. Thank you very much, Ian - very touched.

  8. Sometimes we must use all the weapons we have, even if that contradicts what our heart desires. All for the common good. ;)

    Karl: The dark lord is a myth. Lux Ferre = The light bringer. The reason he is called Dark Lord is because he brings the light to the realm of darkness, in which "he" presides. Darkness is needed in order for one to see the light.

    Those who are in constant light are blinded by it and cannot see light or darkness.

    EDL Jewish Division

  9. Gulen is a Fraud2 December 2010 at 05:12

    The biggest issue is the Gulen Schools world wide that America is allowing Islamic Imam Fethullah Gulen to place everywhere including Iraq and Afghanistan. In the USA there are over 150 Charter Schools owned by followers of the Gulen Movement. Our children are learning Turkish and the Turkish national Anthem, Americans are SO stupid the kids are waving the flag of Turkey and have no idea it is the Islamic symbol. Israel help us.


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