Sunday, 3 October 2010

British Methodist Boycott of Israel under Legal Challenge from Within

A reader of my blog, Ian G, has kindly alerted me to this development, reported on the London Telegraph website:
'A Methodist preacher [David Hallam] is preparing to sue his own church over claims it is using charitable donations to pursue a campaign of discrimination against Israeli Jews.
The legal dispute has been prompted by a controversial resolution passed at the Methodist Conference  which called for a boycott of some Israeli goods.
If the legal action is successful, it would likely bring to an end all similar campaigns that boycott Israeli goods and services.
Mr Hallam, 62, a former labour MEP, said: "What I object to is money which I am putting on the collection plate on a Sunday being used to fund a political campaign against the Jewish state. This is both discriminatory and a misuse of a charity's funds.
"The Methodist Church seems to think it has a God given right to tell Jews how to run their affairs. It is very disturbing we are getting involved in a territory where we don't have any members or churches."'


  1. I would also like to mention this blog:

  2. Woah that's a big development! Will link to you on this one.

  3. Great that there is still some decency out there. Those who claim to speak for all Methodists clearly do not.

  4. Yes, it's very interesting, Stuart!

  5. Hi, Ray!I've only just logged on - have a touch of flu!

  6. Hallam's hired hot-shot lawyer Paul Diamond - must cost an arm & a leg
    •ProLife: Paul Diamond has been instructed to appear on behalf of the ProLife Alliance before the Information Tribunal over the Department of Health's refusal to publish full abortion statistics: (Front Page)
    Paul Diamond was sucessful; see newspaper comment:

    •The Home Office: Paul Diamond has been instructed in relation to an international arrest warrant for a non National who has advocated anti Semitism and extremism. The Home Office banned his entry in the United Kingdom: and

    •Australia: Paul Diamond was invited to Australia by the Ambrose Centre for Religious Liberty. He spoke at the Federal Parliament, the University of Sydney and a dinner at the Law Society hosted by the Ambrose Centre. The visit attracted a considerable degree of interest:;; In addition, Paul Diamond met with Cardinal Pell: . Paul Diamond thereafter attended meetings in Washington DC.

    •BBC: Paul Diamond was instructed by an anti abortion campaigner in a case over payment of the BBC licence fee:

    •Church Noise: Paul Diamond successfully defended two Churches that had been served with Noise Abatement Notices for singing too loudly. These were unusual cases as the two Churches were prosecuted for singing too loudly with amplified music on a Sunday.
    •Nurse wearing of a Cross: Paul Diamond represented Nurse Chaplin over the wearing of a Cross. The case was supported by a former Archbishop and a number of current Bishops:
    •McFarlane: Paul Diamond represented Lord Carey, Archbishop of Canterbury 1991- 2002 in his intervention in the McFarlane permission to appeal application. The case was about the Constitution Principle of Legality and raised a number of important issues:

  7. Now isn’t this a turn up for the books !!
    That is one “expensive silk”

    ***Paul Diamond combines his considerable strength in this area with his knowledge of public and European law. The law of religious liberty is a specialist subject that is increasingly becoming an important field of law which covers diverse areas: rights and rites of religion (diet, clothing, external characteristics), religious propagation of faith, evangelism, religious autonomy, the Church / State divide, employment law, parades, festivals, criminal law, 'hate speech', access to benefits and other areas.***

    Reading elsewhere about him, I see he is a deeply religious man. I wouldn’t be surprised if this case is pro bono, or at a much reduced price.

    Daphne..please don’t tell me I sent you Australian germs !!!

  8. In this interview

    he stated

    "I believe in and adhere to the ethical teachings of Jesus and I admire the “great man” Churchill for his resolute strength of character. "

  9. With a man of Diamond's calibre on side it looks as if the boycott's days might indeed be numbered!


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