Saturday, 14 August 2010

In a Persian Market

It must pay well, the propagandistic news channel Press TV, operated by the Islamic Republic of Iran.  I mean, it doesn't appear to have a shortage of western hacks willing to prostitute themselves by appearing as presenters on it.  I've already blogged about those delightful blondes in veil and hijab, Lauren Booth and Yvonne Ridley, fixtures on Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's shamelessly distorted window on Iran, on Gaza, and of course on the Zionist Entity.

George Galloway, the 2009 Viva Palestina convoy honcho and ex-Respect MP, who abased himself before Saddam Hussein with a ludicrous sycophantic speech, and more recently abased himself before the winsome actress Rula Lenska on a reality TV show in the UK by pretending to be a cat and lapping milk from a saucer, appears there too.  So does Alan Hart, the ex-ITN Middle East correspondent and ex-BBC Panorama presenter who believes Mossad brought down the Twin Towers on 9/11 by a controlled ground explosion. 

Despite all the horrors that the Ahmadinejad regime has perpetrated on the people of Iran, despite its persecution of dissidents and barbaric punishments for adultery and homosexuality, those people are still on the station's payroll.  By contrast, journalist Nick Ferrari had the decency to resign following the execution of the protesters who took to the streets of Teheran peacefully to vent their outrage at Iran's disputed election last year.

Now, another whacky ex-politician, known for his romances with a glamorous weathergirl  and a scantily clad pop singer, has signed on at Press TV.  He's Lembit Opik, who lost his parliamentary seat at the polls this May.  He sat as a Lib Dem - and seems to have his heart set on running in 2012 as Lib Dem candidate for London's Mayor.  He tried being a stand-up comedian after losing his seat, with a ventriloquist routine involving a shoe.  Reportedly, the gig flopped - badly.  So instead this avowed liberal is going to be a  presenter for the satellite media outlet of one of the most illiberal regimes in the world, fronting a show called A Simple Question, with a debut investigating - now this is funny! - how objective the British press is. "We want to explore whether it does a good job at being impartial or whether there are consistent cases of bias in the reporting that we see", explained an offsider.

It seems the Lib Dem Mr Obit was somewhat tetchy when asked by a London Daily Telegraph journalist  about his new job.  “It is necessary for me to work", he snapped. "I don’t see that Press TV is 'controversial’: that is to pass judgment and it is not for one media organisation to pass judgment on another.”

Like I said, it must pay well.

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