Monday, 12 July 2010

Stand by Your Guy!

On the London Daily Telegraph blogs over the weekend (, Washington-based foreign affairs analyst and political commentator Nile Gardiner argued compellingly that British Foreign Secretary William Hague should sack Fadlallah-loving  Ambassador to Lebanon Frances Guy. 

Compelling to all people of good sense, though not, it seems, to Hague and his Arabist FCO pals.  But it does seem that  Britain downgraded its diplomatic presence at Fadlallah's funeral - his ambassadorial admirer does not appear to have attended.

Another photo of the lady - in her Eastern bonnet - with the terror-promoting sheikh has just surfaced (hat tip: Derek Pasquill, commenting over at CiF Watch).  She sure seems to have enjoyed the old terror merchant's company, eh?

Enjoy! (If you can.)  Personally, I wonder whether it's totally necessary for the non-Muslim representative of a (once?) great power to cover her locks, obeisant-like, in this way.  Were she observing prayers in a mosque, I could understand it.  But in a secular setting?  Dhimmi - I mean dear me - no.


  1. Frances Guy,cant' wait to get to heaven,to be one of the Mullah's virgins,she is all coy and gushing,she looks so sweet,The rest of this old fart's quota of virgins will look,like Georgina Henry,Hanan Ashrawi,Lauren Booth.He will love Lauren Booth she has quite a broad spread there.

    BTW,at this old farts age age he doesn't get the real true blue virgins instead he gets hand me downs,left on the shelf,used and abused,already passed by dates,left overs.And lots and lots of Viagra,and a very good quality respirator.

  2. For some reason she reminds me of a horse,perhaps it's her equine-like features.


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